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JoplinOutdoors.com Newsletter September 2018
September 16th
Introduction to Paddle Boarding
Come and join a fun learning the sport of paddle boarding. In this class, you will learn the basics that will have you up on the water in no time. To participate registration and tickets need to be done prior to attending the class by going to JoplinSUP.com
September 9th 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Joplin Kayak Demo Swap
Come and see us at Wildcat Glades Pavilion. Be sure to invite your family and friends to come down and try out yours or others kayaks. Learn more about other floaters are using. Meet some new friends and have a great time visiting. Vendors will be present to show you what they have to offer area paddlers. And Randy Sanders will be performing live music. Hope to see you there!
September 29th 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Stream Team Clean & Grill
We will begin our trek by meeting at Water’s Edge Campground and transporting from there. Picking up trash and tires as we go. Once we have finished with our clean up, we will have a barbeque. If you are able please bring a side dish. Hot dogs and hamburgers will be provided. We would love to have you come and join our efforts by becoming a Stream Team Member. No alcohol or loud music, please.
Twenty-five amazing Stream Team Members participated in our clean up on Shoal Creek. Landowners we would like to thank you also, as this could not have been the success it was without your participation. Thank you so much in assisting us in our efforts to keep our area rivers and streams clean. We all win when there are so much cooperation and teamwork put into such an amazing event. If you, your family and your friends would like to help us with our efforts we would welcome your participation. Please go to joplinkayak.com to get signed up. The list goes on with many organizers such as Tom Guernsey. Without your leadership, these events would not get off the ground. Kenneth Bogle, our founder is another key member that puts countless hours of planning and organizing. Jennie Engelage, one of our photographers and news outreach person. Beverly and her canoe skills. Thanks to ALL our members who came and volunteered their time! Even the members who traveled from the Springfield area to help remove all the trash that was found in this four-mile stretch. This is a short list of some of the items that were found that day:
And last but certainly not least a big thank you to Rebecca Bogle for organizing our barbeque and to Bobby Lamount for cooking that day. A great way to end the day!!
As we are out and about on the rivers for clean up or just relaxing and spending time with family and friends we have all learned the value of being prepared. As a member of the Steam Team, we handle lots of different kinds of debris, from old tires to sheet metal. And although we do our very best to be careful, everyone knows…. accidents can happen! We, as a TEAM, have put together a list of items that we fill would help us should an accident happen. A lot of thought has gone into this list of medical supplies and it is specialized to meet the needs of a Stream Team member who is working on the river helping to clean up. This could be any one of us and we all know that it best to be prepared and plan for the unexpected and hope it NEVER happens. We would like to put together 5 of these medical first aid kits to have with us at all times while on the river performing Stream Team clean-ups. These 5 kits will consist of the following items: Waterproof bandages, medical gloves, 2″ elastic bandages, Ibuprofen, Acetaminophen, Aspirin, Antihistamine tablet, Insect Sting Relief, Hydrocortisone Rash Relief, Triple Antibiotic Ointment, Tecnu Wash, Peroxide, Eye Wash, Cotton Swab Applicators, Butterfly Bandages, medical tape, Self Adherent Wrap (crepe tape, Coban), Sterile Gauze Roll, Gauze Non-Stick Dressing pads, Small, Medium and Large, Instant Cold Compress, One-way breathing mask, eye patch, finger splint, snake bite kit, tweezers, safety pins, scissors, microfiber towel, soap towelettes or hand sanitizer, and these medical supplies will be stored in 5 waterproof cases.
We began this goal and we’re hoping to have it completed by the next stream team clean-up. We still need your help! If you would like to help us meet this goal we were asking for donations of some or all the medical supplies. However we all know how hard it is to sometimes make the connections we need to make during the week, due to work, kids sporting activities, etc. So in an effort to keep things really SIMPLE, we have started a Pay Pal account with a goal of $300.00. Once that goal is met the pay pal account will be closed and will not accept any further donations. If everyone could just give as little as $5.00 or $10.00 we would reach this goal quickly and this would allow our kits to be made and we could all rest a little easier knowing we are prepared. It is a one-time donation and you will benefit from it also, when you are on any Stream Team excursions with us you will know with certainty that these kits are with us and ready to use at a moments notice. Your support is really important as we cannot get this done without your assistance, Here is the link http://joplinkayak.com/donation
Thank you in advance for helping the Joplin Kayak & Canoe Team fulfill this task for ALL our team members. Your support means the world to us. See ya on the River !!
A Note From Our Founder
Wow! What a month!! We had a record month with the Stream Team Clean-up on August 18. We added 8 new members to our Stream Team last month and are expecting more growth as we move forward. But even more than that… did you see what we removed from our river? It just makes it better for ALL of us to enjoy. I want to thank you all for the great turn out and encourage you to keep coming to help right here in our own backyard. I am so proud to be part of this family. That’s right, I said family! We have all grown closer and I look forward to every event because we are more than just a Kayaking club.
We have lots of people working behind the scenes helping organize each one of these events and without them, we would not be able to function. I would like to give a special thanks to Tom Guernsey, for the countless hours he puts in on these events before (by meeting with landowners) and after by taking all the trash to the recycling center for us. And to all of you that brought your canoes, kayaks, and paddle boards to help us conquer the river. Also, thank you to my wife, she works behind the scenes to make sure we are all feed and able to fellowship with one another after we have completed the clean-ups. All of you helped to make this team a great success! I have never seen so many tires! We have grown leaps and bounds but more than that we have grown closer to each other and I am thankful to be part of such a wonderful family. Our next clean up is September 29th. I am looking forward to seeing you all there and I’ll bet I may see a few of you at the Kayak Demo Swap on September 9th.
Keep on paddling and I will see you soon! – Kenneth Bogle