Exploring with Matthew Brogan of JoplinKayak.com [VIDEO]



Matthew Brogan has been part of Joplin Kayak and Canoe for some time. He has been heavily involved and has shown plenty of leadership with being one of the first to volunteer his time to help with the group. Recently he volunteered to lead group floats for this summer. Mr. Brogan is a family man and plans his outdoors activities around his family and friends. During our interview Matt stated several times he wished his family could have been there.

Originally we had planned to possibly kayak the Buffalo River or even hit a popular trail in that area. However, all that changed when we realized how crowded the area would be. Instead we decided to venture out on our own into the upper wilderness area. Matt stated that it’s always best to be prepared when doing this. He packs gear that would help him survive for days, even weeks, if needed. One practice I noticed was that Matt kept his gear on him at all times. This really makes sense if you ever hike alone. If he was to fall or was injured in some way, he would have had what he needed on hand.

During our hike we visited bluffs and waterfalls that Matt has never seen before. He said this is what it’s all about –  personal discovery. Yes, others have found these locations, but the feeling you get when it’s the first time for you; that’s what it’s about. Matt also insisted on keeping some locations secret. He pointed out that popular trails are sometimes crowded with people that don’t respect the beautiful creation all around. Many like to trash the area and even write on the trees and rocks.

Matt shared a lot of his personal hiking experience with me during our hike. He showed how he purifies his drinking water and even the make-up of his sleep system. Matt definitely would be a person that you would want with you if you ever were stuck in the wilderness. He states that being prepared for every need is important when exploring.

You can meet Matthew Brogan at Joplin Kayak and Canoe where he is currently a moderator and is ready to answer questions you may have regarding kayaking or possibly exploring off the river.

Follow Matthew Brogan on YouTube where he shares a channel with his brother John Wasanasan.
